Goal we're talking about: #8 Start an actual garden. That grows things.
This week I bought this book! (got it for $3 on Amazon!!) Also, I bought this:

The bad news is that I live in Michigan, and the frozen tundra won't allow me to plant anything for about three months. I can't even start my seeds until the beginning of April. But I'm so
exciiiiiited!Here's what I'm planning to plant:
Green peppersBroccoliLeaf lettuceCherry tomatoesSquashCucumbersScallionsGreen beansBasilCilantroGiant sunflowersIf all goes well, I'm going to be a farmer.
I'm excited for your garden too!
ReplyDeleteOh great, you took Farmville literally.
ReplyDeleteOh my god, you're so jealous of me. I WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO KEEP YOUR CROPS ALIVE, SCOTT. Just don't pout.
ReplyDeleteNot really, I've never played Farmville, but I'm pretty sure I'd be an excellent farmer.
I really want to be apart of this expedition.
ReplyDeleteI really want to buy Scott a farmer's hat. I have one and I think we'd make really cute farmers. I mean, mine is really a cowboy hat, but anyway. Plus, Ryan never lets me wear my overalls because he says I look like a man, but I don't think so and if you farm you pretty much HAVE to wear overalls.