One of them was to download this free app called "Oldify". I love free apps. Download them, try them out, delete them when you're done!
Not this one.
If it isn't apparent by the name, "Oldify" takes a picture of you then, using what I'm certain is a high-tech and shockingly accurate system, shows you what you will look like when you're very, very old.
It's funny that I would download this, because I have been complaining to Sara BIG TIME about the large bags that have taken up residence under my eyes over the last few weeks of this semester. I think what I actually said is "my face looks like it's disintegrating". I realize that this is just a sleep-deprived, high-stress time of the year, and that they will go away (or at least look better) when summer is here in two weeks and I don't have to work nearly as much. Nonetheless, they are REALLY bothering me.
Knowing that, why would I oldify my face?
Let's not even go there, my friends. We all know that most of my stories end with me wondering why I did something.
So I oldified myself. And it was HORRID, folks. HORRID. Horror movie horrid. Horrid like a horror movie where an old woman who everyone thought was dead is actually holed up in her house and one day you're looking in the window and all the sudden her face appears and she's screaming and banging on the window, and then, once you get over the initial shock, you look closer and see that half of her face has been eaten off by cats, and then the cats appear- surround her really- and her splayed palm slowly squeaks down the window as she disappears, and the whole thing is taped in that mock- Super 8 program and it flashes and you don't sleep for a week.
Normally, because I have no problem making fun of myself, I would post the picture here. Not this time. It was too horrid even for that.
And the moral of the story is, that app is free for a reason. Basically, the real cost is your self-respect and sense of peace.
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