If you know me at all, you know that I have an unhealthy attachment to coffee. Everyone talks about the caffeine and how it's so addictive, but I can tell you it has nothing to do with that at all. The thing is, it's part of my morning routine. If you happened to wake up at my house on a regular basis, you would quickly see that there's no routine to my routine. There's not even any hope for a routine. Here's a very generalized version of my morning:
*I wake up to Brady talking to me at full volume from his crib (actually.. this is a constant. I never ever wake up before Brady...
*Brady gets dressed, after running around in his diaper screaming happily
*Brady eats yogurt and applesauce for breakfast
* I somewhere in here get dressed very quickly, which is why I look like I get dressed at the Goodwill most mornings
* Brady spills something on his shirt and we have to change it
* We say goodbye to all the appliances on our way out the door (goodbye, radio. goodbye, stove. goodbye, door. goodbye, seat.)
* We get in the car and I realize I have forgotten to do at least 3 of the following 4 things: wash my face, eat breakfast, pack a lunch, brush my hair.
Ah, but then I get to go get my latte. In the middle of all the craziness... latte!
Then, I got on Starbucks' site and looked at the nutrition information. Though I don't do Weight Watchers, I was curious how many points it would be if I was. Do you know that that latte would be 33% of my daily calories?!
Furthermore, it's $4.50. Which is $4 more than I can afford.
Then I was reading this article on The Happiness Project website, which is a book I am reading for the second time. Are You a Moderator or an Abstainer?, as in "Is it better for you to moderate your coffee intake, say down to every other day, or just quit it altogether?" I am an abstainer. I suck at trying to regulate.
And so I am giving up coffee. If you are, say, my friend Jen, you may be looking at me in disbelief right now. But I'm serious!
And I'm TELLING you this so that you can shame me if you happen to see me with a plastic coffee cup. Seriously, give me the look... then, maybe shake your head a little bit as if you're terribly disappointed in me. Do it. It will only be a week or so and I'll forget about the coffee.
There is one exception. Thursday after work is Girl's Coffee Date. I will drink that coffee, as it is officially sanctioned.
* We get in the car
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