(This is me)
It's true, I suck, sorry. But LOOK at what I've been accomplishing! :
#5 Finally See the Godfather
And I did. And I actually liked it. It was interesting and not full of boring shoot-outs and whatnot like I thought it would be. Still a little unclear as to why The Godfather talks like his jaw is wired shut. Perhaps it's an homage Kanye. And I 100% knew that the Italian wife was going to get killed with the car bomb, mostly because I was obsessed with General Hospital for a few short years in middle school, and Sonny's wife Lily was also killed with a car bomb, and it's obviously some sort of gangster tradition.
#8 Start a garden. That grows things.
What's that? You want to hear more about my garden? Well, since you asked, I picked my first green pepper the other day, and my first cucumber today, and my first tomatoes are coming out. I appreciate you all acting as if producing a single cucumber is a massive accomplishment.
#10 Take a college class, for fun.
Turns out that as part of the adjunct agreement at one of my schools, I get to take up to four credits for free in any semester I'm teaching. So, I'm signed up for Religions of the World, which should be incredibly interesting!
#15 Learn to cook something new.
I'm not entirely sure this qualifies as cooking, but I have been making some SERIOUSLY excellent pesto from the basil I'm growing. That counts, right? Awesome.
#21 Try yoga. Really try it, without making comments in your head.
I guess I can't say I wasn't making comments in my head but come on- the woman rang a tiny gong at the end. I would like to see someone invent a type of yoga for sarcastic people. Anyways, I tried it. I thought... hmm. It was a really good stretch. And I did feel less stressed afterward. At the beginning of the class, the teacher said "Have you ever done yoga?", and I said no, because I have literally never done yoga. Then, about 3/4 of the way through the class, she looked at me and said "It looks like you've been practicing". The way she said it, it made it sound as if she was suggesting that I had been at home for the past 3 weeks, feverishly practicing yoga poses in anticipation of this class, and was now lying about it. I felt totally shamed, which is TOTALLY ridiculous (of me). I don't know. I guess I'd do it again, but I wasn't blown away.
#27 Volunteer somewhere
I signed up to be a literacy tutor for illiterate adults in the area, starting in December/January. I think this will be incredibly rewarding, and a good use of my skills!
We won't talk about the goals I've been regressing on...
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